Recent Talks

  • June 20st 2024 at PODC 2024, Nantes, France: Brief Announcement: Understanding Read-Write Wait-Free Coverings in the Fully-Anonymous Shared-Memory Model. Slides and paper
  • June 19th 2024 at PODC 2024, Nantes, France: Asynchrony-Resilient Sleepy Total-Order Broadcast Protocols. Slides and paper
  • Tuesday October 10, 2023at DISC 2023, L’aquila, Italy: “Byzantine Consensus Under Dynamic Participation with a Well-Behaved Majority”. Slides and paper
  • Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at SSS 2023, Jersey City, NY, USA: Time Is Not a Healer, but It Sure Makes Hindsight 20:20. Slides and paper.
  • Friday, August 31st, 2023 at the workshop on dynamically available consensus (part of SBC 2023): “Consensus under dynamic participation with a minority of failures”. Slides
  • April 25, 2023, Stanford Blockchain Seminar: “Revisiting the Federated Byzantine Agreement Model”. Recording and slides